Auto-Mow Hybrid Grass Artificial Mesh Lawn Protector – Provides Better Grip for Robotic Lawnmower – Strengthen The Root System – This is not Turf (31x31in)

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This is Not Turf. Artificial grass ensures that your robot mower does not damaged the grass roots of your lawn and gives the lawnmower a better grip.
Provides Better Grip. Prevents soil erosion and reduces the risk of the robot mower slipping or sliding down by giving the natural grass the best conditions for a strong root system.
Low Maintenance Underneath the Surface. Minimizes damage caused by the docking and undocking process of robot mowers, ensuring a longer lifespan for the turf.
Versatile Artificial Grass Mesh Lawn Protrctor. Under the Docking Station and in Front of the Docking Area, Inside the Garage, Steep Slopes, and Worn-out and Unhealthy Grass Patches.
Eco-Friendly Solution. Consists of recycled plastic, which can conserve natural resources, reduce waste, save energy, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. It contributes to environmental conservation and helps combat plastic pollution.
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